Heed Audio Elixir in stereophile.com / November 2016

Kommentar – Ken Micaleff in stereophile.com 2016:

That so much amplifier is available for $1295 should have music lovers dancing, unclothed and unhinged.

Some reviews write themselves: Some audio products, created by designers who understand and implement the key elements required to make music sing, are tuned finely enough to be able to let the music speak. The Heed Elixir is such a product: a versatile integrated amplifier whose strengths include musical momentum, a touchable and delicious midrange, first-row re-creation of voices, and a very large soundstage. The Elixir produced good micro- dynamics, and its big’n’bouncy macrodynamics presented me with endless surprises from my favorite reference recordings. That so much amplifier is available for $1295 should have music lovers dancing, unclothed and un- hinged, across fields and meadows, melodies on their lips, as creatures great and small join them in song. Incautiously, happily recommended.

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